1977年ネパール、カトマンズに生まれる。14歳よりシタールを学び、97年にインド・アラーハーバードのPrayag Sangeet Samitiよりシタールとインド古典音楽の6年間のコース修了。98年ネパール全国古典楽器コンクールにて第1位。 ネパールにてライブ演奏、ラジオ出演などの活動を開始。2000年に来日。2004年東京藝術大学音楽研究科に入学し、ネパールでの北インド古典音楽の歴史について研究を始め、2010年に博士号取得。2013年より東京芸術大学で楽理科非常勤講師としてシタール奏法の指導に携わっている。また、数々のアーティストと共演しながら、Fuji Rock Festival, Ho-Hi-Yan 国際音楽祭(台湾)、アジア・アコースティックフェスティバル(台 湾)、パリ・ユネスコ本部などに出演し聴衆を魅了。ソロアルバムとして2003年に「Swotantra」と2014年に[Hot Spice]を発表。一方、NHKラジオ数回、NHK「BS1」テレビの番組エルムンドなどにも出演。
Sawan Joshi, a versatile sitarist from Nepal, was born in 1977. At the age of fourteen, he began studying Hindustani classical music and sitar under the guidance of Mr. Mohan Prashad Joshi, a prominent figure in Nepalese classical music. He completed a six-year course in sitar and Hindustani classical music from Prayag Sangeet Samiti Board of Allahabad, India, in 1997.
In 1998, he won first place in the Hindustani Classical Instrument Competition in Kathmandu. Since then Sawan started performing live and appearing on radio and TV in Nepal.
In 2000, he traveled to Japan for further studies. While in Japan, he also received guidance of Hindustani classical music from Sitar Maestro Amit Roy, a disciple of the legendary Pt. Nikhil Banerjee.In 2004, he enrolled in the Graduate School of Music at Tokyo University of the Arts, where he began researching the history of North Indian classical music in Nepal, earning his doctorate (PH.D) in 2010. Since 2013, Sawan has been a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts, teaching sitar performance.
Sawan has performed with numerous artists and has captivated audiences at prestigious events such as Fuji Rock Festival, Ho-Hai-Yan International Music Festival (Taiwan), Asia Acoustic Festival (Taiwan), and UNESCO headquarters in Paris. He released his solo albums "Swotantra" in 2003 and "Hot Spice" in 2014. He has also appeared on NHK Radio multiple times and on the NHK BS1 TV program "El Mundo."
Currently, Sawan is dedicated to teaching sitar techniques and performing across Japan, blending Indian and Nepalese classical music with various genres. Through his concerts, lectures, and public speaking engagements, he serves as a cultural bridge between Japan and Nepal.